+256-757905839 / +256-772319130 Mon - Sat 08:00 - 18:00 Block 189,Buwate,Nagabo,Kasangati town,Wakiso District
+256-757905839 / +256-772319130 Mon - Sat 08:00 - 18:00 Block 189,Buwate,Nagabo,Kasangati town,Wakiso District
Registration No.
Drilling Permit No.
DP05189/DW 2016
Number #1
Expertise in region

Borehole Drilling

Hydro-geological Survey:
Royal Techno Industries  is one of the drilling companies in the region to own four sets of SSR-MP-AT RESISTIVY METERS FOR CONDUCTING HYDROGEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. This  instrument gives an error of  1% with a four decimal figure reading and can reliably be effective to a depth of 650 mts BGL.


Royal Techno Industries Limited offers a full range of consultancy and services, In drilling, pump testing, installation of hand pumps, submersible pumps, Maintenance, procurement of drilling equipment, water pumps and execution of Urban, Rural Water supply programmes.Some of our experts carrying out a borehole drilling on the site

Boreholes provide safe water for human consumption, Industries, agriculture, food processing etc.

We are fully equipped fro drilling in any type of formation (rock, sand, callapsible etc), both small and large diameter holes.

The two different designs utilized for borehole construction in Uganda are:

  • Open hole (Casing up to the rock);
  • Fully cased (Casing up to the bottom).

In both designs, casing screen with 1mm slot is used to allow water flow in the borehole.

Gravel pack size 2 to 5 mm diameter is installed near the screen casing zone to filter the water.

The finishing of the borehole is done using a clay seal on top of the gravel pack zone, local material for back-filling and cement slurry for sanitary seal are used to protect the well from pollution.

The water from the borehole is drinkable without any treatment, in particular when it comes from deep strata.

Royal Techno Industries Limited will be collecting the samples for each borehole and collected samples will be sent to Govt owned laboratories for the quality analysis.

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